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Business Structure Toolkit (Basic)


The Business Structure Toolkit is what you need to focus on other important things in your business other than doing the job of other people. This toolkit will provide you with editable templates, guides, checklists and documentation to create the systems that will take your business to the next level.

It will enable you to upload your knowledge into your employees’ brains so they can grow your business even when you are not around. Whether you manage a team or you’re hiring your first employee, the business structure toolkit gives you the systemization you need to scale and grow your business.

Your Employees Are Not Bad; You Only Lack Business Structure And Systems!


Hiring people is the easiest thing to do when running a business but not until:

  • You find out that you are doing the job of the people you hired
  • There’s always one bad report or the other once you step out of the office
  • You keep on giving the same instruction 365 times a year and hearing “yes ma/sir” without any changes
  • You have a team that’s only active whenever you buy pizza
  • Or a team that’s only active whenever you’re around

Then you begin to wonder why people don’t just do their jobs?

The answer is simple.

You haven’t clearly spelt out their roles and how it affects them as an individual. But I have a solution that can help you curb this mess if you are already in it or start you on the right foot as a new business owner and it’s none other than:

The Business Structure Toolkit (Basic Bundle Pack)


What’s The Business Structure Toolkit Really About?

The Business Structure Toolkit is what you need to focus on other important things in your business other than doing the job of other people. This toolkit will provide you with editable templates, guides, checklists and documentation to create the systems that will take your business to the next level.

It will enable you to upload your knowledge into your employees’ brains so they can grow your business even when you are not around. Whether you manage a team or you’re hiring your first employee, the business structure toolkit gives you the systemization you need to scale and grow your business.

N100,000($263); GET IT NOW AT N10,000($25)



This Bundle Contains:

  • SOP Templates Covering Human Resources, Operations and Finance
  • Hiring Checklist
  • Interview Checklist
  • Job Applicant Interview Script
  • Onboarding Checklist
  • Job Description Template
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement Template
  • Employment Contract Template
  • Offer Letter Template
  • Pay Structure Template
  • Budgeting Template
  • Cashflow Forecast Template
  • Sales Tracking Template
  • Daily Cash Report Template

There’s More:

You also get explanatory videos showing you how to use the toolkit. Consider it a short course to help you maximize the use of the systems you are creating.


With The Business Structure Toolkit

(Basic Bundle Pack)

  • You will get access to Standard Operating Procedures Templates
    This will enable you document those step-by-step procedures you follow to get the job done. You can then pass it down to your employees and reduce the time you have to go over the same procedure with them.
  • You will be able to implement policies
    The Business Structure Toolkit will help you to create, share and ensure correct adoption of your businesses policies. Having the right policies in place is important in maintaining standards and can help protect your business.
  • You will become a master of processes
    An organization should always be looking to improve their processes as the years go by. This toolkit will allow you to craft and refine your processes. It will give you the ability to combine multiple procedures together to make an over-arching workflow so you can continue to grow your business.
  • You will be able to manage tasks efficiently
    It will help you stay in the know as you track the activities of your team or look back in the history of any task or procedure using the operational plan and task tracker template.
  • You will have a knowledge base
    It will help turn your existing procedures into a beautiful knowledge base/bank for your present and future employees.

This is not a toolkit you want to miss out on!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you help with customization?
    Yes, we can help with customization at very affordable prices. Contact us at info@midridgeinternational.com
  • Can I pay for a single document?
    Yes, you will be able to buy single documents on our website if you don’t want the bundle.
  • Can I have access to more templates in the future?
    Yes, you can decide to buy a bigger package that has more templates/documents and videos as you need them.
  • Will I have access to the explanation videos?
    You have access to the explanation videos for a period of 1 year.
  • Will I have lifetime access to the documents/templates?
    Yes, once you have downloaded the documents/templates, you have them for a lifetime.
  • Can I download and edit the documents/templates?
    Yes, the documents/templates are editable. You can customize them to suit your unique purpose.
  • How do I get access to the toolkit?
    Click on the Get the toolkit button, select the package you want, log in, make payment and you will be redirected to where you can download the toolkit you paid for.